
JCI Aastakonverents 2019. Foto autor Kaisa Sammelselg

I'm so happy and grateful that you’ve found me! Public Speaking on-, and offline can, and should, be a joyful experience. There are different types of coaches out there, but if you’re looking for the creative training process that brings you safely out of your comfort zone, is full of surprises and gives you awareness, skills and confidence, I’ve got three types of public training, plus one-to-one coaching

Public trainings

Õpetajaid ja juhendajaid on igat masti. Kui otsid kedagi, kes toob su loominguliselt ja turvaliselt mugavustsoonist välja, juhendamist, mis pakub küllaga üllatusi, kasvatab teadlikkust ja enesekindlust ning annab püsivad oskused, siis lisaks üks-ühele coaching’ule on võimalus minuga õppida neljal viisil:  

Julge esineja töötuba

Töötoas keskendume sellele, kuidas ennast kaamera ees esinemiseks parimal viisil ette valmistada. Eelkõige häält!

Töötoas on praktiline osa, kus keskendume videopostitustele ja sellele, miks on oluline neid teha. Osalejad saavad harjutada iseseisvalt mikrofoni ja kaamera väljalülitatud olekus, kuid on võimalus ka ette kanda ja saadaaktiivset tagasisidet ja juhiseid.  Keskendume nii hääle kasutamisele kui ka diktsioonile, oma hääle tajumisele ja kuidas seda parandada.  Me töötame emotsiooniga. 

The Magic of the First Impression

In this two-day masterclass, you will learn the basics of public speaking as communication, and to make a good first impression of yourself depending on who you are currently communicating with. We’ll face the main mistakes and replace them with good practices. Youõll understand what a good preparation means and what a difference it makes. Plus, a number of practical exercises that open you up as a performer, support your confidence and are also fun. The hybrid training form allows you to participate on-site, or online. Sign up for our newsletter to find out about the next dates, or get in touch to get this training delivered in your organization. 

Speakers jam

In these regular online meetings, participants can practice the stories that invigorate the performance, test the impact of a particular story, and train how to present these based on variables. The ability to express themselves, the perception of time and the ability to see the whole is improved, reactivity and the ability to choose suitable stories are developed. Get in touch to sign up. 

Confident Performer Course

A five-month mastermind-type course with a maximum 10 people in the group. Upon completion of which, participants have all the knowledge and skills to speak to their current target audience engagingly. 

Some practice takes place in a group setting to enable learning from each other, but also individually, in order to provide each participant with development opportunities based on their level. Sign up for the newsletter to be the first to know about the upcoming course. 

JCI Aastakonverents 2019
Sekretäride päev 2021. Foto autor Raul Mee

Corporate trainings

It is said that communication issues are the root cause for 90% of the problems we have. Including the lack of motivation, bad attitude and toxic relationships at workplaces, which are common, and often limiting better financial results or harming the reputation of the business/organization.



Every organization has its own hidden treasures; employees that have the potential to become stars. What if you could find those talents and release them? Let’s train your gifted people and help your talents shine. Employees with trained skills will feel more motivated, happy and will contribute to the business result. The benefits of art in business have been proved by many studies, and these prove that using arts in business development can create an advantage. Reducing stress, improving communications skills, creativity and productivity, are just a few. My superpower is to create an atmosphere that puts people in ease, inspires them to leave their comfort zone behind, and motivates them to make the changes they've been longing for. 

Most of the corporate leaders I have worked with, admit they would like their teams to collaborate, find creative solutions together, behave well and be energized. So they could do their job, whether it’s a new strategy or attracting more investors, business partners. As a Corporate Maestro, I’ll use the best practices from performing arts to solve the issues stopping a team performing more effectively, or to increase their motivation, and therefore productivity by creating a better work atmosphere. I will help you and your colleagues to discover, train and use the newly released skills; like enhanced self-confidence, ability to better express themselves better, using their voice and/or body language and other examples. Joy and positive emotions will keep people up and motivated. Happy people work better and remain healthy.

Hybrid events

Online events

The global pandemic changed the way we’re working, teaching and being entertained. Some people prefer in-person meetings and workshops, some would like to attend online. You don’t have to create separate events because a hybrid-meeting or workshop will keep both parts of your team's or audience happy. I’ve delivered successfully hybrid workshops and conducted hybrid meetings, so if you’d like to know more about how to create engaging hybrid events, please get in touch.

How to transform your natural confidence from in-person meetings to online meetings? It might be a webinar. Or maybe the project launch. But if this online meeting is the only opportunity to leave a great first impression or persuade them to collaborate, don’t leave it for chance. Make sure you’re clear about your pitch, you’ve adapted based to the fact that the audience is online, and you’re being memorable in the best way. It is possible to keep people engaged even behind the screens. If you need help, please get in touch. 

President Kersti Kaljulaid vastuvõtul 2018. Foto autor Rene Riisalu
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